Thursday, February 5, 2015


Thought behind the Thought

Romances rarely last long! But while they do, they fill life with their delicate beauty, colour and vibrancy. Just like glass bangles! 
In India, glass bangles (choodi/chhora/bangdi) are a traditional form of jewelry that adorns a woman's arms. Bare arms are considered to be inauspicious as bangles are associated with a happy and prosperous married life. Earlier on, the bride would wear a green 'chooda' or set of bangles on her wrist as a part of the marriage rituals and she was considered a new bride, to be pampered and protected till her chooda was intact. This temporary phase gave her time to settle in her new household and learn to take up her duties and her place as the woman of the house.
The fragility and playfulness of glass bangles is fast becoming a thing of the past. The colourful radiance of these rings of light, however beautiful, seems to have lost the race to the pace of modern life, just like Romance!!!

About the Craft
The traditional craft of bangle making in India is demonstrated in this interesting video

Processing the Raw Glass
Raw glass is taken out of the furnace through the pipes. Without removing the pipes, the molten glass is beaten to make its dimensions equal.After this, the glass with the pipe is placed in an another furnace which has an automated roller. When this molten glass comes in contact with the roller, it starts stretching like a thread and rolls around it. In this process a spring of glass is formed. To make separate bangles, this spring is then cut with the help of a cutter of diamond. But, at this stage, these bangles have two ends, which need to be joined. Usually, this job is taken up by separate units.

The open ended bangles are given to the contractor, who takes the material to the workers for the joining process. Traditionally, this process of joining of bangles is termed as 'Judai'. Workers doing joining or Judai use simple chimney of kerosene connected with the air input, generated by simple air compressor, locally known as 'Pankha'. In one unit, as many as 15 to 20 chimneys are connected with one air compressor. Whole of the set-up is hand made.

The joined bangles pass through another process popularly know as 'Sadhai'. In this process, joints of bangles are made to look neat and straight. Here, the glass is made to melt. Application of little pressure joins both the ends. The job of sadhai is usually accomplished by women workers.

It may be noted that a large number of people are engaged with the work of Judai and Sadhai of bangles to earn their livelihood. These processes in itself forms another industry in the city of Ferozabad, the hub of glass bangles in India.

Word Art 
Bangles are fascinating and their visual appeal so strong, that it expresses itself as poetry through the genius of Sarojini Naidu, patriot, poet and an illustrous daughter of India.

The Bangle Sellers - by Sarojini Naidu

Bangle sellers are we who bear
Our shining loads to the temple fair...
Who will buy these delicate, bright
Rainbow-tinted circles of light?
Lustrous tokens of radiant lives,
For happy daughters and happy wives.

Some are meet for a maiden's wrist,
Silver and blue as the mountain mist,
Some are flushed like the buds that dream
On the tranquil brow of a woodland stream,
Some are aglow wth the bloom that cleaves
To the limpid glory of new born leaves

Some are like fields of sunlit corn,
Meet for a bride on her bridal morn,
Some, like the flame of her marriage fire,
Or, rich with the hue of her heart's desire,
Tinkling, luminous, tender, and clear,
Like her bridal laughter and bridal tear.

Some are purple and gold flecked grey
For she who has journeyed through life midway,
Whose hands have cherished, whose love has blest,
And cradled fair sons on her faithful breast,
And serves her household in fruitful pride,
And worships the gods at her husband's side.

Credit and Source of information

1 comment:

  1. Well, have to disagree on the evanescence of romance ladies! :-)
