So, who will save the environment? Who should? Me, We, all of us together, and also on our own. Not just big strides, but baby steps as well.
And then what can we do? .... just do your bit!
And as the 'Daily Dump' says, believe that ... " it is not going to change the world - but can make a difference, that we are stewards of this earth, that design is a powerful tool that allows you to imagineer a system that can be organic and enabling." Of course, all this with reference to the work that the organisation is doing in the area of waste management!
Founded by Poonam Bir Kasturi, an industrial designer by training and founder faculty of the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, Daily dump is about creating a new perception of 'waste' and enabling dignified action.
Design can, and should contribute to making the world a better place! The initiatives taken by the organisation reflect a deep understanding of the core issues, a belief that we can reach the solutions through design, through participation at individual level and that it is not just the mammoth projects that cause a sea change, but also the small steps that go a long way.
It is also looking at 'craft' in a new way ... not as an old, non utilitarian way of doing things irrelevant in today's world of technological solutions, but as something rooted in our tradition, bound by its cultural context, and capable of teaching the citizens of the 21st century a thing or two about life and living.