Sunday, September 14, 2014


Leonardo da Vinci, possibly the most celebrated personality of the Renaissance,  was as much a man of science as he was an artist. Besides his very famous works of art, he made a whole lot of sketches of machines that were way ahead of his times. The flying machine (also known as ornithopter) in the above sketches had an intended wingspan of more than 33 feet and the frame was to be made of pine covered in raw silk to create a light but sturdy membrane. He believed that " a bird is an instrument  working according to mathematical law" More importantly, he believed that man could take a flight into the skies on the strength of his beliefs!

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  1. Da Vinci ... Such a fascinating character. I am totally in awe with his work...

  2. An artist, a prophet, a man who blended art, science and intrigue! Da Vinci's work is beyond words.
