Saturday, August 2, 2014

the wheel

David C. Roy is a kinetic sculptor who creates wooden sculptures that "work". His intuitive understanding of motion and mechanics, combined with artistic influence, has led him to create some of the most amazing sculptures that are all about wood and motion. These sculptures, powered by constant force springs, are to be wound up at a time, and then simply enjoyed! 

According to the artist, "I design and build kinetic sculptures because I enjoy the act of creation. Taking an abstract idea and turning it into a physical object that "works" is a thrilling experience. .......... I love watching people's faces as they break into a smile when they "get it."  

Friday, August 1, 2014

the wind

two seasons

Nature,the greatest artist,embraces change with every season. Not only does it accept change, but it does so with beauty and grace. The Semul, the Palash and the Amaltas, three very beautiful trees of India featured in the above photographs demonstrate that change is not only inevitable,but also beautiful.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

unspoken words

Robert Fulghum in his book, “All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”, tells us a wonderful story titled “Yelling”. There are some villagers in Solomon Islands in the South Pacific that have found a unique way of felling trees. If a large tree is to be felled and it’s too large to be cut down wit an axe they have come up with a unique way of doing so.
Early at dawn villagers creep around the tree and yell at it incessantly. Legend is that woodsmen with special powers yell at the tree for a month or so until it slowly withers and dies. Such is the 
power of yelling and harsh words. 
Words have tremendous power when used as well as not used.One is forced to look at mechanised tree felling operations which take place with latest technology  new age machines . A wordlessly
committed action. One with words the other without. Yet the tree dies in both situations. Spoken 
and unspoken words have tremendous power to damage things. They need to be used with extra 

Monday, July 28, 2014

kites without strings

The craft of kite making is believed to have its origin in China, as early as the 5th century BC, with kites being made out of silk cloth supported by a light split- bamboo framework and flown using high tensile strength silk threads. The craft was carried to different parts the globe, and is a popular form of sport and recreation even today.

 In fact, in India, kite flying became an integral part of the Makar Sankranti celebrations. The lift of the kite (patang)  and its flight is largely dependent on the string (manjaa) that holds it to the ground, as well as facilitates and guides it's movement through the skies.

The designs and materials used for kite making has changed today (with paper being the most popular one), but the craft is alive and flying in many countries around the world.

the doorway of imagination

Alice in Wonderland, the animated film from Disney, is based on Lewis Caroll's classic of the same name. Alice, bored and with nothing to do, slips in to a fantasy world of her own imagination, populated by strange characters and bizzare happenings. Her fantastic world has gripped the imagination of children and adults alike, for more than two centuries.

also watch the video at